Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Yes I know this looks a lot like a zombie dragon... in fact it is. When I bought the kit I knew it would be unlikely that I would buy a second due to cost so I decided to build the zombie dragon as I liked it better look wise but still play it in game as a terrorgheist. Given the chance  I would jump on building a proper terrorgheist but at all most 60$  its low on my list of things to buy. anyway there is much painting to do on this still but the skin on the wings is mostly done I may add a little light gray drybrushing to the black parts to define them a bit better but I will have to see when the bones get there final color and see if they wings still need a bit more excitement.  


  1. If you're keen to play uncomped & competitively at higher points levels, there's a fair chance you'll want a second kit. The Zombie Dragon however, you'll probably only end up using in comped environments or just for fun.

    1. I play bear and pretzels warhammer mostly. But we are competitive within the group as no one really likes to loose tho we still prefer close wins over blowouts.

      so yeah I may end up with a second kit but that will only be if i need it if i start getting stomped on ;-)

    2. I cry false! I was the only one drinking any beer at our game!

  2. I would stop using that reddish brown if you're going to have any red on your model; it's too similar and reduces contrast where there should be some. I would also avoid drybrushing the black parts of the wings and leave the red to be the part that catches the eye. Overall though, a very neat model and it'll be cool when it makes an appearance on the table!

    Additionally, is it possible to remove the comment verification from the comments here?

    1. i will look into that. I know i activated it shortly after starting the blog because I started to get bots posting adds but I will look into finding a way to set it up that after people make one post that is verified it stops asking for verification after that.
